duane I've never had a hard drive fail. I've had a fair number of computers fail but not a hard drive. Seems like you could keep it in most anything really. If you have some 1/4 inch plywood make a little box for it and add some foam around the sides, or just a shoe box or whatever you have or find some plastic box at walmart that's about the right size.
Talk about anything
I had a hard drive crash before the turn of the century, but only one. And I saw a cdc hard disk pack catch on fire once, when the drive failed catastrophically. Got to watch some operators sprinting for the halon abort switch. (I was too young and dumb to know what to do at the time.)
I've had tons of drives fail. But I've also owned my own computers since 1999 and typically have at least 3 I use regularly, and a bunch in the closet. Right now, I might have 10 or 15 computers, most of them low-end that I use for testing stuff. Not sure why, I could probably survive with 1 desktop and 1 laptop, but I really love computers.
One time years ago, I had two computers crash with fatal hard drive failure, and the other one out of commission due to a RAM failure (my fault, though, cause I was overclocking and didn't know what I was doing). So basically 3 computers die in the same week.
That said, I found one of the first games I ever made from 1998 on a 3.25" floppy drive, and it amazingly still worked. Got a USB floppy drive for $15 off Amazon, and all the files were still good. Sadly it was made in a really old version of Java and I couldn't compile it. Might have to either put together an old virtual machine, or just take the assets and code and port it to Godot. Might be a fun project.
packrat The obvious answer is to replace them with nand flash/ssd's.
This is on sale right now, great price.
cybereality Is this post broke, or is it some kind of web script my lobotomized computer won't run?
No, the post is fine. You probably have an ad blocker or something.
Yes, it is add blocker or tracking protection. Can't see the links either.
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cybereality That's what I thought too, but a raw firefox didn't work either. Wacky. First time I ever saw that happen.
I almost forgot to say something bad about Amazon. That would have been tragic.
I have nothing clever this time. I know, it's shameful. Big corp bad.
Another edit.
I think I know why it doesn't work. My computer just doesn't want to touch Amazon.com. I didn't teach him this, he's doing it on his own. He takes after his father, and I couldn't be prouder.
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A heads up for the interested (I am), tomorrow at 3:30 utc (that is in 5 hrs at the time of writing) Nasa will start their live stream for the third attempt to launch the SLS Artemis mission.
I mean they'll start the life stream. If they launch the rocket, that remains to be seen
Why is it that we want to go to the moon again? I forget.
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First this is a proof of concept. Second, planned is a permanent station in a high orbit around the moon. Third is about testing the effect of deep space (outside of earth's magnetic shielding) on astronauts (Mars mission prep). Fourth prep for an eventual ground station on the moon. Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth about science, exploration, economic benefit(?), and inspiration(??). Ninth and tenth as well.
Vamos a ver :-)
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DaveTheCoder Same two reasons we ever went anywhere. It looks cool, and there's probably something cool we can do there.
Ya see, Pixophir agrees. He just used a lot more words.
Megalomaniak I would, but I'm real poor and I have 12 years of harvested HHDs.
Maybe if I had money, I would still stick to the HHDs. I like the whir whir soft clicky sounds they make.
I am still sticking to what I said about main station guts. Arch boots in less than 10 seconds with flash based storage and I couldn't be happier. I lied, I am even happier, the two HHDs docked next to it make all the whir whir sounds I'd possibly want. It's really a great setup.
I think it's cool we're going to the moon, but I doubt we will find anything. It's just a rock.
And all the deep space stuff, we probably won't get there for at least 50 to 100 years, but you have to make small progress to make big progress.
@duane I've wanted to say this for a while but I keep forgetting. I listen to a ton of punk, and everytime I see your face on this forum, there's a dude screaming in my speakers and it's not a far stretch to imagine it's you. I wanna let you know that in my world, you have a great voice. <3 (not gay, just masculine admiration(unless all this time you've been a 19-25 year old girl(in which case, whats your number?)))
Oh what have I done.
And I thought a long expected rocket launch was a harmless thing to post ...
Here's the thing I realized: it's the same day, every day, forever (into the past and into the future). Only the names and the faces change.
Yes, we have more technology, which brings comfort and entertainment, but also is necessary, as life becomes more complex and demanding (so it sort of evens out).
So I stopped worrying because not only does nothing ever change, but you can't change it. So just buckle up and enjoy the ride.
I've updated my stereo 3D shader. This image can be viewed with red/cyan anaglyph 3D glasses (Proview or Anachrome are best).
The 3D is created with a post-process fullscreen shader. It uses color + depth and runs in under 1ms on Godot 3.5.1.
I also used a new anaglyph color filter that is optimized for modern LCD monitors.
Check it out if you have 3D glasses laying around (or PM me, I can send you some for free).
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You will never have to worry about me pretending to be a politician. I'm deathly allergic to them.
I like to save my genius for more important things, like finding new ways to be cute, sensitive, funny, tall, dark and handsome.
I'm still working on the tall part.
cybereality I'd want a pair. They're good party wear, and I need to see what you did there.
THREE rhymes. ONE reply. Didn't even try. My words just fly.