Are you going to market the app? What's sad is that there would be people who would buy it.
Talk about anything
cybereality Yeah, autoload was a part of the problem. I also discovered that using export var for the array of weapon numbers I had was a bad idea. Thanks for the help.
DaveTheCoder Are you going to market the app? What's sad is that there would be people who would buy it.
I'm going to try to win first. Then I'll sell it for like $99 and say it has some secret algorithm. Step 3. profit.
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Check out this robo I found at OSU while staying with a friend in town.
Photo's not mine, my camera's too old and this laptop's SD card slot too small.
Edit for background info, the college of engineering in my state is really cool. Campus owns a fleet of these little guys for delivering campus food to students. I tried it once, their voice isn't as cute as they look and the cookie was too sweet.
I wasn't there for the photo I just showed, I got mine just today when i went to the ATM on campus and found one who got confused by 30 students and jammed another 2 robos at a sidewalk intersection. They figured it out surprisingly fast, less than a minute was enough for all 3 to reorient and get unstuck. It might have been less than 10 seconds if I didn't try to take a photo of the pumpkin one while it was stuck just in time for them to decide to move and kick me in the shin.
I got the photo later while it was waiting in line to cross the road.
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Going back 4 months to when we talked about JPEG XL...
cybereality Support is still not ready (as I said, it's barely final) but there is a GIMP plugin and Chrome just added support
and Chrome has already deprecated JPEG XL and will remove its code.
Their reasons:
- Experimental flags and code should not remain indefinitely
- There is not enough interest from the entire ecosystem to continue experimenting with JPEG XL
- The new image format does not bring sufficient incremental benefits over existing formats to warrant enabling it by default
- By removing the flag and the code in M110, it reduces the maintenance burden and allows us to focus on improving existing formats in Chrome
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Obvious corporate Mafia Tactics, since Google has a competing format (that is not as good).
They can't compete fairly, so they use Mafia Tactics. Same as Apple really (with OpenGL and Vulkan).
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Like when Google purposely delivered 360P resolution video on YouTube to Firefox users for 2 weeks, when there was no technical reason (faking the user agent fixed it).
Or in 2020 when YouTube forced VP9 support for higher than 1080P video, even though H264 works fine, effectively making everything except Chrome choppy on YouTube.
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I rarely use google at all, be it search engine, browser, OS or whatever. It simply has no benefit and I don't have to grow any gray hair. Actually, I have also stopped growing hair :-)
Shave-and-a-hair cut ...
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Firefox neither supports JPEG XL.
And there is this:
Already 1.5 years old. What became of it ?
I stay with png for now.
Yeah, kind of makes me want to use it more.
Back in 2000 a company I worked at was bought out by Unisys.
Unisys was the company that had acquired the patents on the compression algorithm in the GIF file format. When they realised what they owned (they got it as part of another company buyout), they were the ones who started charging something like $3000 for a license to put GIFs on a web page, and some fee to add GIF load/save to software. They are the reason a lot of software back then dropped GIF support (or had it as a plugin instead of integrated) and why the PNG format was invented as a competitor.
I resigned. I was rather angry about the GIF thing at the time. Plus the managers were assholes (the director blamed me for changes made in the software 6 months before I joined the company. Idiot). Oh, and burn out from bad project management. But definitely the GIF thing was an influence.
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I think JPEG XL can stand on it's own merits, even with Google's apparent sabotage. The format is good, vastly better than JPEG/PNG/GIF and similar to WebP (beats it in some areas and I think overall better in feature set).
And honestly, how long has WebP been out, even with Google backing, and it's barely supported anywhere. So I don't think they are a good judge of standards.
JPEG is just ancient technology, it was made when people were using 14.4 K modems. We shouldn't still be using it. PNG is a solid format, but GIF could not be worse.
And every other new format has been destroyed by either patent encumbrance or these stupid corporate format wars (which always end up with everyone losing).
I think JPEG XL still has a shot, and if the open source community adopts it and it gets better support, Google will eventually add it back in.
And, to be honest, it's not finished. So it is technically experimental, last time I tried the SDK it didn't even compile. So it could still happen.
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Here is a full quality uncompressed 1080P 4.5MB PNG that was converted to JPEG XL and it's only 697KB and almost the same quality (at least I can't tell by eye). At lossless it was 3MB, still a decent savings.
I had to convert it back to PNG to upload to the forum, but the only compression was to JXL. The image here is 3MB. Open in a new tab to see full size.
Here is a better comparison. This was 4.6MB uncompressed PNG. With JXL on 75% quality, we have a 336KB image, that still looks good.
Here is the same original PNG converted to normal JPG with settings to get the same 336KB file size.
It might look okay small, but open both in new tabs, you see that the JPEG has artifacts around the text and in some other areas.
Playing around with a Blender addon called Building Tools. Nice for exterior low poly buildings. Just have a disembodied head for now. I downloaded the street light, trash can, and car for free. I'm not sure how much texturing I'm going to do. With a lot of static cameras and Resident Evil controls, I'll be able to build smaller sets.
Cute. He's probably just wearing a cloaking device and forgot to put the hood on. Someone should tell him :-)
The street light's shadow is spooky as well ...
Kojack Back in 2000 a company I worked at was bought out by Unisys.
Did you submit an entry when they had the contest to choose the name for the new company?
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cybereality Or in 2020 when YouTube forced VP9 support for higher than 1080P video
To be fair to VP9(not google) it was a decent format and google did opensource it when they acquired it. Making it more open than Hxxx codecs. Ironically IIRC it was firefox that initially supported VP9/WebP while chrome didn't which effectively killed it's adoption/momentum.
edit: I'm thinking of VP8 not 9, man it's been long.
DaveTheCoder Did you submit an entry when they had the contest to choose the name for the new company?
The company I was at didn't change its name, Just a small Australian business software developer.
The name "Unisys" was chosen from entries submitted by employees.