Your avatar is your identity. Maybe more so than your real body, as you get to choose it.

I'm with Duane here. Unconscious use of language often says a lot more about people than an image they consciously use to represent who they think they are. But this is my 10th drink. If you don't know what I mean, assume water.

cybereality What's real is what you think until you see otherwise. It's absinthe now. I didn't know absinthe was a thing until maybe 4 minutes ago.

I prefer Pastis. Same same, but different. Less side effects. I mean, unless people are after the side effects 😎

I think the role of avatars is overestimated. We're living in a dream and there's a danger of waking up in a possibly unpleasant reality.

Just kidding.

Edit: Wow, just learned that the ban on absinthe has been lifted decades ago. Looks like I am somewhat out of style ... :-)

packrat I in fact would open the door. Whatever kind of time I'm on for, it could be another cool story to tell.

We can open the door and go to war. Total mobilization. It may not always be possible to tell about it afterwards.

cybereality I don't respect anyone that doesn't have an avatar.

You can force a person to put avatars. For example here is the default avatar that says "I don't know how to place avatars".

But that, in my opinion, is much worse than no avatar.

Besides which, does it matter if someone you speak to remotely is who they say they are? What would you do differently if they weren't?

From my point of view, all of you are text strings. And maybe there's actually only one person posting here using multiple identities.

So, I'm currently working on a more abstract character that's easy to change with different hair, nose, beards, whatever.

Not going to use it for an avatar. I get tired of trying to make enough content for a game so trying to simplify things. The toilet is a free download. I wanted to see how it would look with some other models.

Finally told the boss today I plan to drop to 3-4 days a week to focus more on gamedev. Maybe give a more serious go at creating something or releasing more videos.

That's awesome @Bimbam . Game dev is so fun, but also really hard to make money cause everyone is doing it. Though I guess life is about enjoying the journey, not just working for a living.

    I started coding an app from scratch in C++ and Vulkan. Only took a couple days. Right now it just displays images, but it's going to do more soon. This is not for my game, I'm still using Godot for that, this is for something else I'm experimenting with. If I can get it to work, I'll share more details soon.

    cybereality Game dev is so fun, but also really hard to make money cause everyone is doing it. Though I guess life is about enjoying the journey, not just working for a living.

    Yeah, totally this. I'm very much aware this is unlikely to be a career change for me, and TBH I don't think I would want it to be, in the sense that working in 'the industry' = deadlines, crunch, and lack of creative freedom which would sap the fun out of it.

    I also don't expect this to pay the bills unless I get incredibly lucky, hence working part-time still. But I feel I've hit a transitional period in my life (~ 35) where grinding the career ladder for the sake of it is less important than finding that optimum work/life happiness. It doesn't help that where I live in Australia the cost of buying a house is outpacing the speed I can save despite being on a good salary; so every time I look at my savings I keep thinking "why have this if you can't use it".

    I can still save for holidays etc. perfectly fine working a 4-day week, and probably even be ok on 3 days if I alter lifestyle a bit, so figure why not do something fulfilling with that buffer instead of watching it grow but achieving nothing.

    I should clarify this is NOT financial advice. The unanimous opinion of those I speak to is I SHOULD "just get a house"... but the way I see it, a lot of them are just locking themselves into enough debt they're forced to overwork themselves for ~ 30+ years.

      Side note, why does tilda now cause numbers to go small unless you put a space:
      ~ 35

      Well, if it makes you feel any better, I quit my job at FAANG to make indie games, and I still haven't made any money (well $432 total on Itch, which is nothing). Had a good savings, and I do some freelance part time, so I'm living okay, but I do need something to get off the ground soon. I'm just done with working regular jobs. You just spend your life making other people rich, not even doing what you want to do with your life. Rather just make art and program stuff, even if it's not that lucrative. Not expecting to make the next Minecraft of anything, but as long as there is some success, enough to live off, that's fine by me. And I'll take the next Minecraft too, but as long as I can keep going that's cool too.

      Maybe it's a forum thing. I tried with my editor (Abricotine) and it's not subscript there. I use this app to create markdown for Github.

      Bimbam Yeah, this is extra, as in not part of standard/base markdown which is very limited.

      Let's just agree on "subscript means approximately" :-)