:smiley: great,tutorials are always welcome. thanks for taking the time making godot tutorials.
Godot 3 Tutorial Series
could u make a tutorial with camera that following 3d path, in a 3d scene? that's owesome.
@westlife503 said: could u make a tutorial with camera that following 3d path, in a 3d scene? that's owesome.
I'll definetly keep it in mind, only one more 2D topic (well 2, but animation is going to wait till changes are done) to cover... TileMaps, then its on to 3D.
Speaking of 2D tutorials, here's a new one, 2D physics:
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A bit delayed with the holiday season and all, but here is the next tutorial in the series, this time on Tiles and TileMaps
And homepage is now up to date: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Godot-3-Tutorial-Series-Index.aspx
thanks,Serapth ! :) good stuff as always.
Summers over, 3.1 is on the horizon and so... new tutorials!
Networking in Godot 3.
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...tap, tap, tap... is this thing on?
Ok, a bit of a delay in it's coming, but new tutorial time!
As helpful as your tutorials are, I see room for improvement, and have listed a few suggestions. This is my attempt at constructive criticism, and not meant to be insulting in any way. (Just my honest opinion. You can tell me to kiss off if you'd like.) :)
Speak more softly. You're practically shouting in some of your videos.
Reduce the length of your tutorials. They're far too long. I noticed a lot of mistakes being made during your tutorials, which increases their length, as well as my aggravation factor. I only want to know the correct way of doing things. A quick tip on what to watch out for, instead of leaving the mistakes in the videos would save on time and aggravation while following along.
Speak less and get right to the point. You speak very rapidly and say a lot of words, but much of what you're saying isn't relevant to the subject matter. The first few minutes of each of your tutorials (that I've watched) teach nothing. This is time I can never get back. I want to create a game, not listen to chit chat!!! Let's get to the info without all the the small talk. :)
I'm not sure if this was in one of your videos or not, but I watched a tutorial that was about audio controls, and the instructor spoke right through the entire audio example, so I never got to hear the sound coming from the game in the example. It's things like this that make for really bad tutorials.
Anyway, thanks for making the videos. I'll keep an eye out for any new ones you might release.
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@jmiguy said: 2. Reduce the length of your tutorials.
I suppose theres some truth to that since I tend to watch these at 1.5x speed. It is however important to note that he covers many different engines and even some content creation suites so if he starts editing his videos more heavily to improve the overall content quality he will not have nearly as much time for each of the individual game engines he is covering. This point wouldn't apply as much if he had someone else to-do the editing for him, but alas this is such a small niche I doubt the channel is making enough money for him to be able to hire someone to help out with the editing.
I would really like to see a state machine implementation for character states. There are plug-ins for that, but I want to learn how to write the code and understand how it works instead of just using plugins.
@J453Nomad said: I would really like to see a state machine implementation for character states. There are plug-ins for that, but I want to learn how to write the code and understand how it works instead of just using plugins.
Hidden in the official documentation is an FPS Tutorial that does just this for player animations. It also links to some more general tutorials on (finite) state machines. If you Google "finite state machine" you also get some pretty good conceptual overviews.
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Thanks for the feedback, appreciated!
Now that this tutorial series is pretty much complete on the 2D side of things, I decided to do something a bit different. This is a new 18 part text only tutorial series that takes everything we learned in this series thus far and walks step by step through creating a complete 2D game (art assets and all) using Godot 3.1.
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Visited the link to the youtube playlist page in the OP and nearly burst into tears of happiness (am a total noob and it's always always touching when i see someone has put in the time and devotion to help)
Read through the thread and also saw the link to the zeef.com and devga.me series. Thank you to all the helpful authors!