Hello all, I run the site GameFromScratch that you may recognize from this original tutorial series on Godot. Obviously a lot has changed since Godot 1.x/2 so I've started an updated video tutorial series for Godot 3.x. As mentioned, this series is entirely video based, although I am also including a page on GFS for each tutorial to share the assets and source code used in each examples.

The series homepage is available here or you can go directly to the YouTube playlist if you don't care about source code.

The series is still fairly young, but is detailed enough I felt worthwhile sharing here. I will update this thread as the series expands. Right now it covers all the basics of getting started, setup, nodes, GDScript and 2D sprites, atlases and animation. Next I will be diving into input and audio.

Also let me know if there is a specific topic you would like to see covered.

Cheers, Mike

Your original tutorials were of great help to me in getting into godot and I expect the same to be the case for many others as well so certainly expecting this new series to be a great contribution to the community as well, thanks for your contributions!

@Megalomaniak said: Your original tutorials were of great help to me in getting into godot and I expect the same to be the case for many others as well so certainly expecting this new series to be a great contribution to the community as well, thanks for your contributions!

Awesome, glad they helped you, hopefully the new series proves at least as helpful for others going forward!

5 days later

Have always loved your site! I check it mostly daily. I'm really liking the Blender to Godot pipeline. For me, some tut's on exporting scenes and assets as either obj or collada would be nice. Also, some explanation as to why one might be better suited for one type of export over another (ie, is collada better to export a full scene and obj better for a single asset...and why).

Just my 2 cents!

Thanks for your hard work. It is appreciated.


There is a certain topic that interest me, and that is networking. I posted this before looking at the webpage with the tutorials.

@emo10001 said: Have always loved your site! I check it mostly daily. I'm really liking the Blender to Godot pipeline. For me, some tut's on exporting scenes and assets as either obj or collada would be nice. Also, some explanation as to why one might be better suited for one type of export over another (ie, is collada better to export a full scene and obj better for a single asset...and why).

Just my 2 cents!

Thanks for your hard work. It is appreciated.


This is definitely one of those things I'm intending to cover... I'm pushing it off a bit though in hopes that gltf gets a bit more love before I make the tutorial, as I have a feeling near future developments will render such a tutorial obsolete quickly. (In other words, gltf is the future, but not the present ).

To answer your question inline however, obj is almost always the best format, for any game engine, if it provides the functionality you need. The format is so incredibly simple that importers almost always import it nearly perfect and quickly. It is however greatly limited in functionality. If you got much more than a simple, static, non animated, traditionally textured mesh, obj probably wont work for you. So in a nutshell, if you can, use obj, but theres a pretty good chance obj wont be sufficient for your use.

@newmodels said: There is a certain topic that interest me, and that is networking. I posted this before looking at the webpage with the tutorials.

I will be covering networking again in the new series, no worries.

.obj - mesh, uv's .mtl - material .bvh - skeletal animation

The holy triumvirate. Sadly godot only imports 1.

I have an idea for a tutorial that might be missing from others. "How to upload to the godot asset store."

Just added a new tutorial, Keyboard, Mouse and Gamepad Input. Looks at handling Input using Godot 3, polled, event driven and finally using InputMap. I forgot to showcase vibrating in the video, but the (incredibly simple) code sample is included in this link: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Godot-3-Tutorial-Keyboard-Mouse-and-Joystick-Input.aspx

Or direct video link:

And finally for those that don't want to scroll up, the entire series homepage: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Godot-3-Tutorial-Series-Index.aspx

23 days later

Another tutorial in the series... this one covering UI Development. Basically Controls, Containers, Styles, Themes, Dialogs and Fonts.

Good stuff @Serapth ! Keep it up! This is what makes the Godot community great!


24 days later

Another entry in the series is now live.

Sound FX and Music

Cover a ton in this video. Playing OGG and WAV audio, audio buses, special effects, positional audio and Area2d integration.

thank you Serapth. but please make more 3d tutorials ,theres no much of it and we need more of it.please. o:)

@aztecsensei said: thank you Serapth. but please make more 3d tutorials ,theres no much of it and we need more of it.please. o:)

Yep, certainly going to cover 3D... going to finish 2D content before going down that road. Almost done, tilemaps, physics and animation are the only topics left, and given the state of animation in Godot 3.1, I'm holding off on that one. Then 3D starts. I think this is also the point where I will compile the book and make it available for early sale.

:smiley: great,tutorials are always welcome. thanks for taking the time making godot tutorials.

could u make a tutorial with camera that following 3d path, in a 3d scene? that's owesome.

5 days later

@westlife503 said: could u make a tutorial with camera that following 3d path, in a 3d scene? that's owesome.

I'll definetly keep it in mind, only one more 2D topic (well 2, but animation is going to wait till changes are done) to cover... TileMaps, then its on to 3D.

Speaking of 2D tutorials, here's a new one, 2D physics:

18 days later
2 months later

Summers over, 3.1 is on the horizon and so... new tutorials!

Networking in Godot 3.