@Playmint said: Hi,

My name is Steve, I have been involved in the games industry for a number of years, primarily as an artist, but over the past few years have turned my hand to game development and c# using another engine. I also currently produce and sell art assets for game developers on various marketplaces.

Recently discovered Godot and currently enjoying learning how it works and how I can develop my own games in it, c# is quite close to GDScript, so I finding the transition fairly easy so far, and I know it also supports c# as an option, so that's also great !

Looking forward to being part of the community here.


Hi Steve. Welcome aboard ! I too came to use GDScript, before that, I was using C# in Unity 3D. If you want sell your art you can use Resources side of forum and link your marketplace, you are not first, and for sure not last. Developers are always glad when they can buy some art and save valuable time. Who knows, maybe someone from forum hire you to do art for his/her game ! It happening quite often. Enjoy GoDot like we do, friend.

17 days later

Hi. I'm Moltenhead and Charlie.

I'm usually extensive when writing and talking about things that passionates me, I'm not afraid to make mistakes and half said things frustrates me - wich turns me socialy awkward. It's rare that I bite though. I don't realy like communities - for the deviance it commonly creates, but I enjoy good hearted individualities, so I keep trying time to time.

I'm a doodlydoer, I do and learn a wide variety of stuff more or less related or useful.

I'm actualy working on a project with Godot.

And don't worry too much : despite my seemingly cold way of seeing things, positive willed people make me happy. ;) Hopefuly we can be of help to each others.

Have a nice day.

14 days later

Hi, C#, JavaScript developer here. I recently decided to try to get serious about game design and programming. Godot works best with how I think, it is easy for me to get into. Have a good day.

Hi out there!

I am a complete novice to game making but I like all kinds of educational stuff - as game development can be. Actually I am trying to get one little project working with this awesome-ever-wanted engine with its multiplatform-support.

You can drop me a line when you are working on indie projects and need help in complex thinking and / or knowledge seeking as I am a trained bookkeeper with searching skills...

But, the dream, the great dream is to make a real big project (I really thought I have to create an engine on my own - things are easy in a connected world!) with pointing to the arts of love.

Be loved stay alive and enjoy your journey!

I wonder where is everyone. Sometimes I feel like last person online... which is dream coming true for introvert like myself. Anyway, Forum staff appears to be in coma so I come to welcome newbies.

HI @Moltenhead and welcome. Don't worry about begin socialy awkward, here is nobody to put you down. Just be yourself, when someone offend you, forum moderators put few warnings in front of his face, if it does not work, he got banned. I'm something like "doodlydoer" too, however I like to call it "Jack of all Computer Trades", I learned myself many IT skills and I'm learning something new everyday. Many skills including 2D/3D graphics, music, sound effects, programing (obviously) and lot of stuff related to Windows, Ubuntu and Android

Hi @NWallen and welcome. I'm glad that GoDot suits to how you think. I don't think you need any introduction, after having experience with java and C#, learning GoDot is going to be park walk, really, it is easy.

Hi @KyZEN and welcome. If you want help, first project to work on should be THIS ONE , but i guess as experienced bookkeeper with searching skills you already found that, there is not much to say for someone who is able to find everything himself... or herself ? I really don't know, your profile picture may be both crossbow or ovaries... dude, what a confusion. Anyway, we have own docs, take it as starting point, from here you can reach every kind of GoDot oriented knowledge you ever can dream of.

I most kindly welcoming new members of our great community.

@GarromOrcShaman said: I wonder where is everyone. Sometimes I feel like last person online... which is dream coming true for introvert like myself. Anyway, Forum staff appears to be in coma so I come to welcome newbies.

While I cannot speak for all of the staff, I can say the reason I’ve been a little more absent is due to being busy with other stuff outside of the forums.

Thanks for welcoming the new users here @GarromOrcShaman, I appreciate it :smile:

To everyone that has posted, welcome to the forums! :smiley:

@TwistedTwigleg said:

@GarromOrcShaman said: I wonder where is everyone. Sometimes I feel like last person online... which is dream coming true for introvert like myself. Anyway, Forum staff appears to be in coma so I come to welcome newbies.

While I cannot speak for all of the staff, I can say the reason I’ve been a little more absent is due to being busy with other stuff outside of the forums.

Thanks for welcoming the new users here @GarromOrcShaman, I appreciate it :smile:

To everyone that has posted, welcome to the forums! :smiley:

That is fine because it means everyone is okay. I really thought something happened.

Hi there, I'm currently making some games with Godot. Just found out that this forum exists, and can't wait to show my progress on the games.

@SledgehogSoftware said: Hi there, I'm currently making some games with Godot. Just found out that this forum exists, and can't wait to show my progress on the games.

Welcome. You are not going to get answer here so fast as on facebook or reddit but from all community pages what belongs to godot, forum got somehow nicest community.

Ps. Nice frog, every one needs some public image right ? Despite I'm not playing Warcraft III much anymore, I'm still an orc shaman.

@GarromOrcShaman said:

@TwistedTwigleg said:

@GarromOrcShaman said: I wonder where is everyone. Sometimes I feel like last person online... which is dream coming true for introvert like myself. Anyway, Forum staff appears to be in coma so I come to welcome newbies.

While I cannot speak for all of the staff, I can say the reason I’ve been a little more absent is due to being busy with other stuff outside of the forums.

Thanks for welcoming the new users here @GarromOrcShaman, I appreciate it :smile:

To everyone that has posted, welcome to the forums! :smiley:

That is fine because it means everyone is okay. I really thought something happened.

As far as I know, everyone is okay. Sorry for any worry that we may have caused from being a bit more absent as of late.

@SledgehogSoftware said: Hi there, I'm currently making some games with Godot. Just found out that this forum exists, and can't wait to show my progress on the games.

Welcome to the forums! :smile:

Hello everyone! :smiley:

I've just started making video games... ok that's not true, I've actually been trying to make games for about 10 years (more like 11 really) and only recently I managed to finally finish a game. It's a simple pong clone called YAPC and you can check it out in its dedicated post.

So I actually got into programming when I was 13 inspired by my favorite games and through my older brothers I discovered Python with which I fell madly in love, the thing is it might have been the main reason I never got to finish a game until just now.

As you all know, at the beginning we all have an 'idealism' problem where we want to make games that are too big and perfect to be real, to me it also translated in thinking python had to be my programing language (I still think it would be great but we just aren't there yet) . See the problem with loving python is that, being so flexible and freeing, other languages feel limited and claustrophobic and this stopped me too many times from making games, from finishing games.

I tried giving up python before, with godot actually, but still my idealism persisted. Only recently thanks mainly to Tim Roswick from Gamedev Undergroun did I finally decide to fully commit to a reachable goal, a finishable game to make in a short spam of time, and now here I am before you, finally a game developer.

Maybe I'm talking too much, the thing is I'm proud I can finally say: "I Make Games", and I'm mighty inspired to make many many more! But mostly I'm very grateful to the Godot team and everyone in this community who have been very nice and helpful this last few months, without you I would've never gotten this far and I wish I may be of help to others as well.

Please do checkout YAPC (https://godotdevelopers.org/forum/discussion/20147/yapc-yet-another-pong-clone) and let me know what you think of it. I hope you have fun playing it even if just for 2 minutes.

I hope to get to meet many of you, but until then: great gamedev to all! :smiley:

@paolobb4 said: Hello everyone! :smiley:

I've just started making video games... ok that's not true, I've actually been traying to make games for about 10 years (more like 11 really) and only recently I managed to finally finish a game. It's a simple pong clone called YAPC and you can check it out in its dedicated post.

Welcome to the forums! :smile:

I remember seeing your post on YPAC, and have been meaning to give it a try. I just need to find the time to actual play games instead of spending all my spare time making them...

So I actually got into programming when I was 13 inspired by my favorite games and through my older brothers I discovered Python with which I fell madly in love, the thing is it might have been the main reason I never got to finish a game until just now.

As you all know, at the beginning we all have an 'idealism' problem where we want to make games that are too big and perfect to be real, to me it also translated in thinking python had to be my programing language (I still think it would be great but we just aren't there yet) . See the problem with loving python is that, being so flexible and freeing, other languages feel limited and claustrophobic and this stopped me too many times from making games, from finishing games.

I tried giving up python before, with godot actually, but still my idealism persisted. Only recently thanks mainly to Tim Roswick from Gamedev Undergroun did I finally decide to fully commit to a reachable goal, a finishable game to make in a short spam of time, and now here I am before you, finally a game developer.

Congratulations on releasing your first finish-able game! That is a huge achievement and something to be proud of.

Side note: I also also started with Python, even around the same age! (though I think I was a couple years younger). I totally get what you are saying about Python being so flexible, and by comparison making other programming languages seem limited. Funnily enough, by the sounds of it I had the opposite problem: I jumped from programming language to language for years and didn't learn any of them well enough to do much more than the basics :lol:

Maybe I'm talking too much, the thing is I'm proud I can finally say: "I Make Games", and I'm mighty inspired to make many many more! But mostly I'm very grateful to the Godot team and everyone in this community who have been very nice and helpful this last few months, without you I would've never gotten this far and I wish I may be of help to others as well.

Please do checkout YAPC (https://godotdevelopers.org/forum/discussion/20147/yapc-yet-another-pong-clone) and let me know what you think of it. I hope you have fun playing it even if just for 2 minutes.

I hope to get to meet many of you, but until then: great gamedev to all! :smiley:

Well, the forums are here for talking, so I wouldn't worry about talking too much :wink:

I'll have to check out YAPC, hopefully sometime soon. When I give it a try, I'll let you know what I thought about it!

a month later

hello godot ...firstly how is this engine pronounced lol is it go dot or gadoh like i heard some people say...i prefer just go dot anyway after a lot of reading i found people raving about this engine...i like c# and see godot has only started implementing c# recently...hows the support going? as the engine still warns me about c# support being new etc etc

now where to start...i tried following a beginners game tutorial...dodge the creeps but unfortunately the docs seem a bit dated as things in the tutorial werent even in the engine, or names have changed etc

so where is the best place to get tutorials? basic stuff to start...want to develop a side scrolling helicopter game any information appreciated

Welcome and make sure to search for godot v3 tutorials for quite a lot of changes have happened between v2 and v3.

23 days later

Hello everyone,

I am, somewhat, a newcomer to Godot. I taught myself how to program with C# and XNA about 6 or 7 years ago before returning to school to complete my degree. I work professionally as a web services developer and never really wanted to make games for a living, but I really enjoy it as a hobby. I have been looking at engines for a while now, after trying to find something I liked more than XNA or Monogame. After creating small games with Phaser, LibGDX, HaxeFlixel, and a few other frameworks, I decided it was time to actually pick an engine and stick with it.

I had tried Unity and Unreal in the past, and I enjoyed them, but Unreal and Unity are a bit heavy for 2D games. I had also tried Godot a year or so ago, and I liked it, but never really considered it due to being in the middle of some other projects at the time. I downloaded 3.0.6 of Unity 3 days ago, and built a space invaders clone called Golf Invaders (It replaces aliens with cups and pins and your ship is now a putter) in just a few hours, learning more about GDScript in the process. I was really amazed at how straightforward Godot is with 2D games. The tooling is top notch and the performance was fantastic, even on the older machine I was working with.

What sold me was that one day after finishing Golf Invaders, I had a test stage for a game I want to create (a side scrolling Contra meets Metroid game) with physics, collision detection for all of my objects, animation, and even some simple particle effects. I have spent so much less time rebuilding the wheel and more time working on the actual game that I am already sold. I look forward to being a part of this community with all of you.

Hi! My name is Jonathan Lavigne and I love coding, pixeling, and designing games.

I've worked on a bunch of games at Gameloft and Ubisoft from 2002 to 2010: Star Wars Episode III (GBA), Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World (GBA), Open Season (GBA), TMNT (GBA), and Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Game (XBOX 360 and PS3).

I've founded Tribute Games in 2011 with Jean-François Major and Justin Cyr and we've been making our own games since then: Wizorb, Ninja Senki, Mercenary Kings, Curses 'N Chaos and Flinthook.

I'm not a professional programmer (I mostly do game design and pixel art), but I've used GML and C# with XNA for my side projects. I'm now learning Godot and GDScript and I'm having a great time with it!

Nice to meet you all!

Welcome @tonywfrey @pixeltao

Glad to have you join us. :)

5 days later

Hello, I am an experienced developer (mostly Python for machine learning nowadays, but I've done C, C++, Java, Javascript, assembly and BASIC in the past) completely new to game development. I have absolutely no game development experience and the main stumbling block to me being able to make a game is a complete lack of any kind of artistic or musical talent. I even fail at making "programmer art." Luckily it seems like there are more free (i.e. permissively licensed) resources floating around the Internet these days so I might actually stand a chance. I decided to use Godot as I don't like Unity, Unreal Engine seemed like overkill as I'm primarily interested in making 2d games, and it seems to be the most efficient game engine out there that's still relatively high-level. I don't know if I picked a good time or bad time because Godot 3 is pretty new so there's not a lot of great learning material out there, but at least I don't have to unlearn the previous version.

So far I like GDScript a lot because it's similar enough to Python that I only need to look at the documentation for its syntax when I mess up instead of having to learn from scratch. I also like the scene and node architecture, which surprised me because I usually hate object-oriented programming.

16 days later

Howdy all, new to Godot, but I've been fooling around with computers and gaming for decades (Tandy CoCo, C64,and then DOS/Windows all the way.) Tried my hand at Dark Basic, (early) Unity, GM/GMS, HTML5, three.js, and now looking at Godot. I'm actually more prolific on the table top gaming scene as a game designer, but I want to make a war game engine and I'm researching into using Godot.