The “Godot Virus” GodLoader

Security research firm Checkpoint Research just released a terrifying article about a new undetectable malware loader spread using the Godot game engine called GodLoader. While technically true, it is nowhere near as scary as it initially sounds. What is perhaps the most interesting takeaway is that existing anti-virus software do not detect this particular attack vector.

The Godot Foundation have issued a statement on the GodLoader discovery and should set most minds at ease:

Statement on GodLoader malware loader

I just hope that when anyivirus companies add this one they don't accidentally add Godot games as false positives!

you can say that about any software you execute, its just a smear and advertisement campaign against and for godot.

Who is to say that netflix amazon or other spotify or discord cant package virus with their software and when they are caught then they gon be like, well we got hacked, its not our fault - rush to delete logs.