Hi, I'm looking for someone to develop a single asset. I'll go into detail about what I mean and what I need in a moment, but the short version is a scripted controlable quadruped robot character.

The details:
*It should be controlled by 12 simulated servos like a real 12 servo Quadruped.
*it should be made with Cube Mesh Instances that can easily be changed out for detailed meshes (the detailed meshes will not be part of this job)
*the other meshes of the robot should act accordingly to the physics of the servo positions, a set weight value, and the slope of the ground.
*the robot should be able to be "teleported" by a single function taking a Vector3.
*the robot script should have an array of 12 servo rotation values (0-180) that can be set and got with the array subscript.
*the robot should be a scene easy to import and edit, and able to be dropped into a "level"/"stage" scene (drag and drop)
*robot should have a working "walk" and "turn" servo-based movement function.

dm me with your email, a set amount you're willing to work for (I won't negotiate, I'll eather say yes or no to your amount), and how long it will take you to deliver if chosen.