Just got an email:

Hello there!

The first batch of tickets for this year's GodotCon will go live at 18:00 CEST today (Friday, 14.06.2024).

Get them here: https://conference.godotengine.org/

The conference will take place on the 12th+13th of October in Berlin, Germany. Find out more on the website linked above.

Hope to see you at the event,
GodotCon 24 Team

trizZzle changed the title to GodotCon 2024 Berlin .

trizZzle That was fast!

I was thinking of going, as I missed the last one. Unfortunately, I'm already booked for that date. It would have been fun to attend.

The second batch of tickets will be released on Friday the 21st of June, at 23:00 CEST.


Also, according to ChatGPT:

Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin is located in the district of Wedding. Historically, Wedding was part of West Berlin. Therefore, this address would have been in West Berlin before the reunification of Germany.