Featured Projects are now decided by you, the community!
It was never meant for the featured projects to have gatekeepers, but we had to start somewhere. But now, finally (it took longer than expected), a complete rewrite of the extension with a new, fair voting system is released.
Everyone who is a verified member has the ability to vote for the projects you think deserve more attention.

The way it works:
1st of every month, the votes for the 30 days prior will be counted, and the top 3 for that period will be displayed in the featured section.
Everyone will get 3 votes to cast every week.
You can only vote on other people's discussions (not your own).
The project needs to have an image (preferably close to a 16:9 ratio) in the first post (this will be used as the thumbnail).
PS: this is a complete rewrite, so there might be bugs. If you encounter any, please report those bugs directly to me.
Have a great dev week, and happy voting!
All the best,