I have downloaded and installed the Linux development environment, and the file from the Godot website, but when I unzip it, it's just a .64 file which Chrome says is incompatible with the OS?
Can anyone help? I am aware of Google.
I have downloaded and installed the Linux development environment, and the file from the Godot website, but when I unzip it, it's just a .64 file which Chrome says is incompatible with the OS?
Can anyone help? I am aware of Google.
It's possible that Chrome OS does not support this.
The Godot Linux executable files are not actually installed on Linux. You download the file and execute it.
On my Linux distribution, which is Debian-based, I download a file such as Godot_v4.3-dev5_linux.x86_64.zip, extract the contained file Godot_v4.3-dev5_linux.x86_64, and execute it by double-clicking on it in the file manager, or execute it from the command line:
$ ./Godot_v4.3-dev5_linux.x86_64 -p
Does that work?
If not, you may need to ask for help in a Chrome OS support place. If you do that, provide this information so that they'll know what kind of file you're trying to execute:
$ file Godot_v4.3-dev5_linux.x86_64
Godot_v4.3-dev5_linux.x86_64: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 5.15.0, stripped
Alternatively, Godot is available through various package managers, but not necessarily a current version.
apt: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=godot&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all
flatpak: https://flathub.org/apps/org.godotengine.Godot
snap: https://snapcraft.io/godot4
But if the executable file cannot be run using the above instructions, I don't know if these would work either.
i just helped my friend install on his linux system yesterday with the current download from the main page. Everything worked as intended. We even did it in a (virtual machine windows11) using the same page to download and that seemed to work. I moved the file location back one folder too.... which removed the need for the ./ before the file name..... but that is overkill.
REVBENT removed the need for the ./
That's only needed when running the executable from the current directory. I don't normally do that, but I simplified the posted procedure. In practice, I've set up desktop icons so I can run Godot by clicking on them.
Well as of this morning I managed to get the Android version working on my Chromebox.
I've also got it working on Ubuntu via Steam.