yesterday, i goofed up during a workout. specifically it was pull-ups. around pull-up #1,432, my trapezium spasmed, and pinched the occipital nerve real good. again. if you know migraines, you can trigger one whenever you want by making that specific nerve angry.
since then, my brain is operating at 20% capacity between the drugs and the pain. logic patterns have no logic anymore as far as i can tell.
i want you make me feel better with mental images of pain far worse than mine. i never felt more ashamed of myself than 5 minutes ago when i had to recall what elif does.

i would also appreciate advice on proper pull-up form. clearly, i'm doing something stupid.

    packrat i would also appreciate advice on proper pull-up form. clearly, i'm doing something stupid.

    Can you tell me more about what this exercise is, as I am using a translator and may misunderstand.

    i found pictures online to explain it for me:

    i see my leg form is wrong. that makes sense.
    i don't think the neck and shoulders are designed to carry that much of your body weight without help.

      packrat i see my leg form is wrong. that makes sense.

      I'm not sure if it's the legs. But there's an interesting way to do it. Usually you pull up first and then back down β€” like a spring. The idea is to do it the other way around β€” pull up, lock in, then down and then immediately, immediately back up β€” you get a reverse spring. If I've explained it correctly.

        i think i get the idea
        it may be worth mentioning, the same shoulder that cancelled my entire day is the same one i broke twice in my life, by falling in some grass.
        long story short, parts of my body are underdeveloped because birthing twins is complicated, and i got the short end of that stick.

          packrat is the same one i broke twice in my life, by falling in some grass.

          Then it would all have to be done under a doctor's supervision. A sports doctor.

            Tomcat i would agree with you, unfortunately i'm not very good with doctors.
            besides that, i've drank a LOT of milk since the last time i broke my shoulder.

            I used to be able to do pull-ups, but I'm too overweight now. πŸ™

            The body part I've messed up the most are my knees. I've twisted a knee when skiing and doing yoga. I hit a kneecap on a concrete floor when I tripped. None of those injuries broke bones or tore tissues, but It took months to recover.

            how many ways have you messed up your body?

            Oh I stopped keeping track a long time ago, but the part most messed up? I'd probably have to say my back.

            Had a bad fall once off of a icy roof as I slipped while climbing down, rotated in air such that I fell flat on my back. Didn't help that rather than counter rotating with my arms I let my arms fling along in same direction adding to the momentum and right arm was left right across and under my spine as I hit the ground. After that for a good few months as I was about to fall asleep my arms and legs would twitch and fling around immediately waking me back up again. Still occasionally happens though not as bad anymore, 13 years later.

            Never looked into proper form for working out, always just winged it based on instinct. So no advice to give there, sorry.

            edit: Ooh, ok another good one I just remembered. Last time I drank, a new years eve I chose to walk a 2 hours on foot trek back home through the city drunk likely coming close to some form of frostbite. Ever since when it gets cold outside should I step outside shivers immediately kick in to I presume instinctively keep my body warm. I don't necessarily even feel cold, but I guess the body knows even if the nerves can't quite yet feel it.

            Ah, another one, when about 3 or 4 years old I rummage through an gigantic old antique wardrobe full of random bits and bobs. Amongst there was a death cable. What's a dumb kid to do but to be curious like a cat, right? Luckily I didn't get a good grip. So still alive obviously but through out the school life whenever they'd do the health checkups I'd always be recommended to go check out a 'suspicious heart murmur' , which naturally I've always ignored and left neglected. I do sometimes feel it almost missing a beat tho.

            Don't be like me, don't be neglectful. I guess that's the moral of the stories? Eh good advice either-ways.

              That's similar to a death cord: a power cord with alligator clips. They're used in labs or shops when you need to connect a power cord to a piece of equipment and you don't want to bother with making a safe, secure connection.

              Megalomaniak nerve injuries are messed up. ever since yesterday, i haven't felt like i'm moving my own body, like the worst hangover you can imagine.
              speaking of which, i've done very few stupid things under the influence. the trick is to tell yourself going in that you are going to be stupid in the near future, and keep it in mind so you second guess every thought that comes to your head 6 shots deep after midnight.
              though, i do have the advantage of not being friends with bargoers. we tend to stay indoors and watch/play something stupid. very often with pizza and/or mexican food involved.

              speaking of that: i have a story about a time my head got messed with pretty bad.
              it was deadweek maybe 2 years ago. if you don't go to college, that's the week where the entire student body crams for midterms or finals. i wasn't enrolled, but my roommate was. i decided to empathize with her, and cram GDscript the whole week.
              neither of us slept in maybe 35 hours. the library we were studying at closed, thus closing that study session. it took 2 hours getting back to the apartment thanks to a well timed train taking its time to cross. we were both starving.
              clearly, no one wants to cook when we got back, so naturally we order pizza, and that's when we notice how many years outdated the local pizza shop's website is. there are only 6 specialty pizzas listed, out of the more than 12 they should have current year. each of those 6 also listed what made the pizza "special". except the last one on the list: "taco pizza".
              we both figured, it'd be a normal taco pizza: taco toppings on a pizza. maybe they get cute and use salsa as sauce.

              they used refried beans as the sauce,
              and there is no salsa to be found.
              there is no pureed tomato of any kind to be found.

              maybe it doesn't seem that weird now, but compounding the exhaustion with the ominous mystery leading up to it, i will probably never forget those beans.

              at school we were playing soccer (soccer for the Americans), when a bell ringer tried to sweep the ball carrier at the same time he was playing the ball and by mistake he hit his arm and ended up taking the bone out of his elbow (he didn't lose anything and recovered, but he was out of school for half a year).

              Well, if other people's suffering helps ease the pain… here's my story.

              It was about a quarter century ago. I was living with my wife in the country. Her sister had bought a horse. It was a Russian Donchak war horse. They gave him away because of his bad temper, no one could handle him. One day my neighbor and I went to walk the horses. The neighbor rode a lighter sport horse. I warned her right away, "Don't race." But women always know better than men what to do and when we got to the field, she sent the horse into a gallop. My horse was very offended that someone was moving faster than her and started to catch up. And I guess I was in the way and she just shook me off. At about 40 kph (25 mph). I fell to the ground, good thing it was plowed ground. And I rolled over, like I'd practiced in hand-to-hand combat training. That's the only thing that saved me. There were no fractures. But for about a week I could barely walk with a bend and couldn't straighten up. Naturally, no doctors were available in that wilderness. I was able to move normally after about a month.

              he story may not be entirely clear, as I am using an interpreter.

              This is a photo of the horse when it was already ridden and calmer. My daughter is riding.

                Tomcat And I guess I was in the way and she just shook me off.

                So horses are like cats. (But bigger.)

                I got fat during covid and now dealing with those issues.. went full carnivore to help get back into shape.

                  Rukiri you're not the only one.
                  i probably would have too if i didnt start working out to cure the boredom.

                  i'm about to share diet advice, go ahead and stop reading if you don't care. i'm not a doctor, and i'm not you, but this is what works for me.
                  low fat, high complex carb. obviously, the carbs are absorbed slower, but combining that with restricting variety in macro nutrients doesn't leave your body with a lot of extra energy, energy that gets stored as fat, and, of course, the fiber can make you feel full with less calories.

                  you could go the other way around, which now that i think about it, is the basis of a carnivore diet, isn't it? i know nuts are plants, but they would function as a source of fat, protein and fiber without a lot of digestable carbs.

                  a year later

                  Yeah, I totally agree that you're not the only one who has suffered from this terrible disease. I gained a few extra pounds while I was at home, too. When I hit the 220 pound mark, I knew it was time to make a change in my life. Not only did I start watching my physical activity, I also started watching my diet. I even started taking supplements to help me get rid of the extra weight. The biggest result I had was with semaglutide, which I ordered through It is one of the most advanced medications for obesity and chronic weight control.