newmodels And the new look. It will have hair cards this time, rather than those meshes I made from curves.
Megalomaniak It certainly doesn't look like a modern horse, but could perhaps be one of the predecessors I'd say the legs also look a bit too massive, more bull like.
newmodels Here is an edit of a longer snout. You can find bosque mountian horse on wikipedia, is a different horse than racing horses.
Megalomaniak newmodels You can find bosque mountian horse on wikipedia, is a different horse than racing horses. I mean the bit between the knee and the hoof. It should be furry and thus might look thicker but it's a part with little muscle so without the fur it shouldn't be that thiccc, makes it look kind of unnatural. In terms of proportion makes the legs seem shorter than they actually are.
DJM reminds me of the horses we have in belgium. i believe in the USA they are called 'belgian drafts' wonderful kind ,strong horses they are. just a thought @newmodels , why not create one thread with your art in it, instead of creating a post for every model
newmodels Megalomaniak Yes I do see what you mean. I may have that incorrect in the model, because the references show it with the furr. I could have put the models in one thread, but I didn't think about doing that.
Pixophir And a horse needs a nice butt, ofc. As a distinction to a cow, for instance. Has to do with how the muscles are attached to the bones. Whatever :-) You models are certainly made with dedication.