Hello everyone,

I am a hobby programmer from Germany. I have started about 20 years ago at the age of 16. Nearly all my projects have been small games. No skills, no engines, just pure enthusiasm and lots of spare time.
I miss the good old days sometimes so a week ago I run across Godot engine and use it to develop games for fun.

As of now, I could work around all my problems but feel that the times, where I need the help of more experienced game developers, is close. So that's why I am here. ;-)

There is a second reason, actually: I would like to discuss on how to improve GDScript. Is "Godot Help > GDScript" the right place for this?


    Dodo_87 Hey, welcome!

    I think you brought up a good question. I just created a tag "Godot Engine Chat" under "Community". A good tag if you want to discuss different technical aspects of the engine. If you are seeking help then there's the help tag that would be better suited for that.

      MikeCL Thank you! I have not started a thread yet, because I've found my proposal on github.

        Hello everyone from Italy.

        I've had a passion about game development from when I was a kid but wasn't allowed to delve into it at the time, nor did I have the time later on but took the chance when I had more "free time" due to the pandemic some years back,

        Started with Unity, now moved to Godot that I'm loving. Slowly learning, currently working on a little plugin I'm creating myself to better learn the engine, hopefully soon on a first little godot game.

        cua all in the forum πŸ™‚

          Dodo_87 That's no worries. I figured that it's a topic people would want to discuss at times. πŸ™‚

          Svalinn85 Hey, welcome to the forums!

          5 days later

          Svalinn85 Your journey into game development is truly inspiring. It's never too late to pursue a childhood passion, and the pandemic provided a unique opportunity for many to explore new interests.

          6 days later

          i'm at year 3 (took 1 for learning the basics as i had no previous game dev. experience in any area) of developing a freeware video-game, full time, with FOSS only...

          here's a screenshot of the 2° floor 😊

            luqtas 2Β°

            Is that another way of saying 2nd? And welcome!

              luqtas Hello there! Welcome to the forums!

              Cool that you are progressing! Feel free to share more about your project under the "Projects" tag. πŸ™‚

              award it scales pretty well in chat! what if i want to mention the 456753476Β° thing starting from left to right? πŸ˜€

                Ok I have figured out our confusion.

                U+00BA is the "masculine ordinal indicator": ΒΊ
                U+00B0 is the "degree symbol: Β°

                To be fair to me, luqtas did use the degree symbol πŸ˜‰
                I am kidding. I didn't know about the ordinal indicator, but now I do!

                I'm Juan from Argentina
                I've been interested in game dev all my life
                I few years ago starting coding a bit in unity but looking at recent events decided to start using Godot (and open source software whenever possible)

                So I decided to join to get some guidance and hopefully guide anyone in what I can
                I have some knowledge in music, 2d art and coding, currently learning 3D and well Godot

                  Juanba294 Welcome to the forums Juan!

                  Cool to read you are well-rounded in your skills. πŸ™‚

                  Hey! I'm Altaf, a hobbyist developer from Indonesia who likes to create games, websites, and also other stuff. I'm currently a middle school student that is still learning about everything.

                  Yes, I am a Unity refugee and I'm currently recreating my game from scratch called simpliCity (mostly because I accidentally teleported the project into the 15th dimension that us mortals cannot even begin to comprehend, and partially because of the recent Unity drama.) and I've been loving Godot so far!

                  Anyways, that's probably everything. Thank you everyone! Have a nice day!